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Blog Category: Uncategorized

Preparing for Hurricane Hilary: Tips from 911 Restoration of Bakersfield

Published August 20, 2023 in category: Uncategorized
As hurricane season approaches, residents of Bakersfield, California, might be wondering about the potential impacts of Hurricane Hilary. While Bakersfield is not directly on the coast, it’s important to remember that hurricanes can have far-reaching effects. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to prepare... 

Preparing Your Home Before Going On A Vacation

Published October 29, 2021 in category: Uncategorized
Going on a vacation can be very exciting. However, it can become equally dangerous too! In all the excitement and preparation for vacation, it can be easy to forget to prepare for home. Yes, your home needs to be prepared for nobody to take care... 

Sewage Overflow in Homes: The Major Dos and Don’ts

Published August 27, 2021 in category: Uncategorized
  Sewage overflows in home can be bothersome no matter how small or severe the situation is due to the stench and unsanitary conditions. They disrupt your lives and set off a chain of reactions that can cause irreversible property damage. Not to forget the... 
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4838 Burr St. Unit B Bakersfield, CA 93308
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